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Justin Hibbs’s practice picks apart the mechanics of spatial perception and representation, drawing upon social, political and aesthetic agendas encoded within architectural structures. Much of his work is a renegotiation of the visual language and ideological legacies of modernism, probing real and idealised notions of space. This is enacted through a uniquely multi-disciplinary approach that incorporates painting, drawing, sculpture and architectural interventions.

 “Travelling through Hibbs’s species of spaces, passing between dimensions that echo, self-sample and glitch, one might grasp that the whole, overarching the individual works and what they refer to, is a situation, a system, a cybernetic totality, always something else that one might click through toThe result is a model of art making, and particularly exhibition making, that when inhabited so that that the individual artworks cohere into one pulsating larger one, feels simultaneously inventive and a little frightening, since it’s tied to proliferation, not closure.”  Martin Herbert 2015.

Justin Hibbs (b. 1971) studied at CSM, London (1991-94) He has exhibited his work both nationally and internationally and has also curated a series of artist-led exhibitions. Solo shows include: Between Before and After at Arroniz Arte in Mexico City (2018), Alias_Re_Covered (2015) at Carroll / Fletcher; PARA/SITE (2013) & Secondary Modern (2010) at Christinger De Mayo gallery, Switzerland; Altneuland (2007), Lucy Mackintosh Gallery, Switzerland; Metroparadisiac (2006) and I'll Wait for you (2005) at the One in the Other Gallery, London.  Recent group exhibitions include Rules of Freedom, Collyer Bristow Gallery, Shapeshifters,Arthouse1 London; Abstraction I, Arroniz Gallery, Mexico, Pencil/Line/Eraser (2014), Carroll / Fletcher, London; Superstructures (2013), Arroniz Arte, Mexico City; Oh My Complex, Kunstverien Stuttgart, Germany. 

Hibbs has completed several private commissions and has several public installations at Scarlett Green, Paradise Green, Ziggy Green, Bondi Green all part of the Daisy Green Collection. (London).

Hibbs has been commissioned for a major gallery commission for Arthouse Jersey opening on the 5 September 2023.

He has recently released a collaborative record as part of Synthesis Sound Archive. with Ben Lancaster and Sean Roche. See more here.